mind styles tagged posts

Gregorc’s Mind Styles and Bloom’s Taxonomy

As I was reading a book this week, Gregorc’s Mind Styles were mentioned. Reading more into the Mind Styles online, I realized why I’m get bored of doing chores. (And possibly why I think putting dishes in the dishwasher is like playing Tetris.) I’m not sure if it has anything to do with our kids’ not liking to do chores, but it was interesting to see how some tasks can be tiresome for us depending on our Mind Style or learning style. Take a look at the graph of styles here.

Looking at the Concrete Sequential box, (where most chores would fit) you might be thinking it sounds a lot like ‘school’. I’m guessing that all standardized test follow the Concrete Sequential Mind Style. You’ve got order, logical sequence, getting facts, doesn’t do well when there are no right or wrong answer...

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